Corporate Services

LOETB is governed by a Board, comprised of representatives of its key stakeholders, as laid out in the Education and Training Board Act 2013. The Board is supported by a number of Committees and by Boards of Management of the schools. The Chief Executive, with responsibility for executive management of the ETB, is supported by a comprehensive administrative structure covering the key areas including Finance, Procurement, Human Resources, and Corporate Services.

While the Chief Executive has overall responsibility for the performance of the Board services, the Director of FET, Director of Schools, Director of Organisation Support and Development as well as School Principals, Youth Officer, Centre Managers are responsible for the day-to-day management of the schools, centres, and services.

The primary legislation is the Education and Training Boards Act 2013.

Code of Practice for the Governance of Education and Training Boards

A Code of Practice for the Governance of LOETB was adopted in February 2019.  The Code adopted is consistent with the Guidelines set out by the Department of Education and Skills in Circular Letter 0002/2019. The purpose of the Code is to ensure that the principles of Good Governance and Management are applied by LOETB.

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